Learning is an aspect of life which one should never lose, as our brains are made to take information and the desire to learn at every phase of our life changes based on how motivated one is. The reasons one would want to lean and if those reasons are intrinsic or extrinsic, it doesn’t matter, as long as one benefits from the learning process. Each one has a different motivation to learn. Learning keeps your brain cells active and that is very true. It is also important to know each one’s learning process and how much information they take in and retain differs per person.
Learning involves committed steps, which needs to be taken in order for information to be retained. Be it learning a language or learning a new skill in an ever-changing environment, it is so important to keep this skill alive. As when you don’t use , you lose it. Like any other skill, learning is equally important . You could feel a bit obsolete, in case your learning stops.
Hence it is advised to keep learning but it’s good to learn something which is going to help you mentally emotionally or even physically.
How should you learn ? There are different ways to learn. One can learn either by writing and taking notes or so you can also speak audio messages. Writing is a very effective method of learning as information stays in your memory. One thing is for sure that one shouldn’t stop learning as age goes by. It is also good to know what you would like to learn. That would be the first step in the process of learning.
So have you decided what you would like to learn?